Friday, October 08, 2004

The Firewalkers
My critique group extraordinaire :)

Jo Ann, hanging out in my room
at the URWA retreat in Park City

Teresa, eying my purse suspiciously :)

Angie working on Jo Ann's laptop. Or maybe mine. Angie's really the only one of us who actually knows what she's doing around a computer

Sunday, September 19, 2004


The Old North Bridge

Presidential Library on the Adams estate

The Mansion at Peacefield

Mom, near the Old North Bridge

The backsides of my dad, my mom, my brother and web-guy, Gordon as they approach the Old North Bridge in Lexington/Concord

Statue with the bridge in the background

Adams Historical National Park
Quincy, Massachussetts

My dad standing outside John Adams' birthplace

John and Abigail Adams home, birthplace of John Quincy Adams

Friday, September 17, 2004

New England 2004 --

ignore the dates on the pictures. My camera was set wrong. It's September, not August!

Castine, Maine. Some day I'm going to live here.

At Thunder Hole, Acadia National Park

Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia

Along the Maine coastline. :::sigh:::

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Eastport and Campobello Island

Our room at the B&B in Eastport

The Roosevelt cottage on Campobello Island

The grounds near the cottage

Friday, May 21, 2004


My kids -- Valerie and Troy (son of my heart) on the bed; Vanessa, Queen of the Hill!

Troy and Emily

Troy and Valerie

Vanessa's raft

Yes, it actually floated :)